Thanks for visiting the Super Dollfie WebHandHold!


Webring Rules

  1. Must love Volks Super Dollfie
  2. Must have sacrificed at least one human child to Mother SD
  3. Dollf*ckers will be subject to immediate dismissal

How to Join

Contact hat to be added to the list (good luck)

Widget Instructions

There are 2 options to add the widget to your site.

A. Make your own widget

See it in action on this page!

  1. Be sure to include anchors with IDs "SDHandHoldIndex", "SDHandHoldPrev", "SDHandHoldRand", "SDHandHoldNext". The script shouldn't break if you choose to omit any, but links won't be made without them.
  2. In the head of the file, include the script files <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script>
  3. In the body tag, add onload="SDHandHold.createLinks();"

B. Have a widget generated by the script

See it in action on this page!

  1. In the head of the file, include the script files <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script>
  2. Optional: If you would like to change the navigation characters, use use the script tag in the header AFTER both file links to call SDHandHold.loadNavCustomizations("Previous", "Next", "Random", "_"); with your choice of strings. You can also change the icon by calling SDHandHold.loadCustomIcon("iconLink");
  3. In the body tag, add onload="SDHandHold.buildWidget();" If there is no div matching the name of the webring ID "SDHandHold", one will be created and appended to the end of the body.
  4. Write lots of CSS to make it look decent! Or you can use this basic style. Tip: you can use display:none to hide any pieces you don't want.


Using the hatring.js Script for Other Webrings

Here is the blank configuration file. Be sure to replace all CAPS with your own info! The SD WebHandHold configuration file is available here for reference. Upload the completed file to your server.

You can choose to reupload hatring.js to your own server, or link it from this github.

Webring members can follow the instructions above, but need to change all instances of SDHandHold to the webringID specified in the config file.

Old Widget Instructions

Link the script

Call createLinks('[yourusername]') somewhere in your code, such as an onload function in the body tag. Don't forget to replace "yourusername" with your username...

Add elements with the IDs "webringNext" and "webringPrev" somewhere on your page. "webringRand" and "webringPrev" are optional.

Here's a template. Steal it if you wish. Heck, you can steal this entire webring code if you want! Make your own but don't cry to me when it breaks.